Σάββατο 2 Απριλίου 2016

Brussels and Paris terrorists used Greece as gateway into Europe

Brussels and Paris terrorists used Greece as gateway into Europe

Intelligence reports says ISIS terrorists use refugee flows to enter Europe
According to confidential reports by European and US intelligence agencies, Greece has turned into a gateway for islamist terrorists planning hits in European cities. The reports say that most of the terrorists that carried out attacks in Paris and Brussels crossed into central Europe via the refugee flows coming into Greece, avoiding the use of their EU passports since they were under surveillance by EU authorities. The islands of Leros, Chos and Lesvos in the eastern Aegean are the entry points of EU citizens of Middle Eastern origin, as well as Syrian and Iraqi fanatic Islamist jihadists fighting in the Syrian and Iraqi conflicts. About 500 jihadists with EU passports received combat experience in the Syrian war between 2012-2015 and are returning via the refugee flows to Europe to undertake attacks in the upcoming months, say the reports. Greece is not considered a target for the islamists, but the open border policy adopted by the left SYRIZA government has lead to tens of thousands of desperate and disenfranchised refugees and illegal immigrants being trapped in the county, making Greece a ‘fertile’ recruiting ground for the fanatic islamists. The report says that the terrorists involved in the Paris and Brussels attacks had been traveling in and out of Greece planning the attacks in France and Belgium. Two of the Stade de France terrorist attackers in Paris had been rescued by the Greek coastguard near the island of Farmakonisi before subsequently traveling to France, while the Brussels metro station suicide bomber, Halid al Bakraoui travelled to Athens via Italy from Belgium on July 25 2015 where he met up with his brother Ibrahim. The leader of the Paris attacks, Adbelslam was in Greece on August 1 via Patras and Italy. In Patras he reportedly came in contact with other members of the group who entered Greece directly via Syria with the refugee flows.

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