Σάββατο 2 Απριλίου 2016

New poll shows ND leading over ruling party

New poll shows ND leading over ruling party

87.5% say they are dissatisfied with government’s performance
The poll conducted by the University of Macedonia on behalf of SKAI TV channel shows New Democracy leading over SYRIZA by 8%.
Main opposition party ND comes first with 24.5%, while SYRIZA follows with 16.5%. Greece’s Communist Party (KKE) and Golden Dawn come third with 6.5%, while ANEL and POTAMI do not enter parliament receiving 2.5%. Democratic Coalition and Union of Centrists receive 4%.
More than half of the respondents (50.5%) believe that New Democracy will win next elections, while only 20.5% say SYRIZA will come first.
Regarding government’s performance, 87.5% say they are dissatisfied, while 64% of the respondents disagree with government’s management of the refugee crisis, and 71% believe that the economic situation will get worse during the next 12 months.

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