Δευτέρα 4 Απριλίου 2016

Refugee: 202 immigrants return to Turkey, while 339 arrive in Greek islands (pics+vid)

Refugee: 202 immigrants return to Turkey, while 339 arrive in Greek islands (pics+vid)

136 immigrants from Pakistan, Afghanistan and Bangladesh have already arrived in Turkey
The first group of immigrants are returning to Turkey, as it is provided by EU-Turkey agreement signed on refugee issue.
136 immigrants from Pakistan, Afghanistan and Bangladesh, who were in Mytilene, boarded on two boats on Monday morning and have already arrived in Turkey, while 66 immigrants are expected to arrive at 11pm in Turkey’s shore from Chios .
About 350 Frontex officers are monitoring the return of the immigrants to Turkey, since, based on the agreement, each immigrant should be accompanied by one officer of Frontex.
In the meantime, though, hundreds of immigrants and refugees continue to arriving in the Greek islands. From Sunday morning to Monday morning, 339 people reached Lesvos, Chios, Samos and Leros.


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