Παρασκευή 1 Απριλίου 2016

SYRIZA is collapsing, former Fin Min Varoufakis says

SYRIZA is collapsing, former Fin Min Varoufakis says

“It will collapse. It’s a new PASOK. And it’s going down that way,” he said
SYRIZA is collapsing stressed former Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis in an interview with Economist, claiming that the ruling party will fall from 40% to 4%.
As he said, SYRIZA is not collapsing because it tried to bend the rules of globalisation, but “because it has been co-opted to an unworkable fiscal policy”.
“There is no doubt about that,” Mr. Varoufakis said adding: ” It will collapse. It’s a new PASOK. And it’s going down that way. I don’t know what will replace it but it has no future”.
He also said that European partners did not want even to discuss the “reasonable” proposals made by SYRIZA on the financial problems of Greece.”
“They didn’t even want to consider this possibility. Because, for them, the recovery of Greece was not the issue. The issue was not to give a signal to the Spanish, the Irish, the Portuguese that a government can be elected which goes to them with ideas of its own”.

Click here to read the interview.

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