Τετάρτη 10 Αυγούστου 2016

Next to Police, Bank Robbers Were Stealing for 2 Hours

Next to Police, Bank Robbers Were Stealing for 2 Hours 
A robbery like those you watch in the movies took place on Tuesday, August 9, in a Piraeus Bank branch in Athens. The robbers struck around 2:15pm and were in the branch for two hours right across from the Hellenic Police Attica Headquarters.
According to Greek police, four armed robbers, wearing silicone masks, came into the bank branch and after overpowering eight employees and five civilians, they took all the money from the cash registers, while they also forced open customers’ safety boxes.
The perpetrators remained inside the bank for more than two hours holding the employees hostage while the robbery was only made known to the police and the bank management after the robbers had left the building. According to the witnesses the four perpetrators had welding tools in their possession which they used to break into the safety boxes, causing extensive property damage.
It was estimated that the robbers stole around 60,000 euros in cash from the registers, as well as an undisclosed amount from the safety boxes that has not yet been estimated.
The police who has already studied the bank’s CCTV video is still investigating the robbery.
- See more at: http://greece.greekreporter.com/2016/08/10/robbery-athens-next-to-police/#sthash.BGBbutG0.dpuf

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